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Discussion -> Textual issues -> Wrong dynasties in the text.

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2016-07-05 06:36:16Wrong dynasties in the text.
Posted by: sivartnosredna7 (Travis Anderson)故商、周以兴,桀、纣以亡。
Currently has 商, Shang and 周, Zhou.

It should be
Replacing 商, Shang with 夏, Xia and 周, Zhou with 商, Shang, since the text later goes on to attribute Jie and Zhou as the last rulers to the respective states, which in this case were Xia and Shang, not Shang and Zhou.

I think this error may have its source in "The Library of Chinese Classics", Vol.I, page 271, which is where I believe this text was transcribed from.

2016-07-05 06:48:43Wrong dynasties in the text.
Posted by: sivartnosredna7 (Travis Anderson)I have confirmed that the error is also in Knoblock & Riegel's translation from 2000, so the error may be quite old, or as recent as 2000.

2016-07-05 06:53:13Wrong dynasties in the text.
Posted by: sivartnosredna7 (Travis Anderson)I have confirmed that the error is also in Knoblock & Riegel's translation from 2000, so the error may be quite old, or as recent as 2000.

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