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Chinese Text Project
Discussion -> Textual issues -> Last line 殷其靁

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2015-02-12 20:31:42Last line 殷其靁
Posted by: zenbenDear everyone,

Some colleagues and me are translating the Shi Jing 詩經 in our translation group. When we were doing 殷其靁 we noticed that the CTP's version of the last line differs from two printed versions (among them Legge's).

The CTP has: 莫或遑處, whereas my colleagues had 莫敢遑處, thus mirroring the two preceding stanzas. Any thoughts on what might be the correct version?

Best regards,


2015-02-13 09:53:21Last line 殷其靁
Posted by: dsturgeon (Donald Sturgeon)Hi Ben,

The CTP version seems to agree with the base text here:
Of course that doesn't mean that this is necessarily the "correct" version. Interestingly although Legge's Chinese does read "莫敢遑處", he doesn't translate the "莫敢" as "not daring" as he does in the preceding two stanzas, suggesting that the text he translated might not have been identical to the text ultimately printed in his book: (p.238 of the PDF)
For what it's worth, the Kangxi dictionary cites the line "莫或遑處" in its entry for 處:

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