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Radical:+ 8 strokes = 12 strokes total.
References:Guangyun: p.147#11 p.147#16 Kangxi: p.506#03 Cihai: p.661r1c01 GSR: 1143.a Hanyu: v3,p2084#08
Composition:Left: 𠦝, right: . Component of: 𫡯 𠎫 𪤾 𡼼 𡡲 𢢅 𢴿 𨗛 𭵿 潮 𣊿 𣋂 𣎢 𣛨 𦺓 𢀭 謿 [More]
Mandarin:zhāo cháo zhū ㄓㄠ ㄔㄠˊ ㄓㄨ
Cantonese:ciu4 ziu1
Tang reconstruction:*djhiɛu *djiɛu
Fanqie:陟遥 (《廣韻·下平聲··》) 直遥 (《廣韻·下平聲··》) 直遥 (《廣韻·下平聲··𪓙》)
Equivalent readings: (《四書章句集注·中庸章句·中庸章句》) (《四書章句集注·論語集注·公冶長第五》) (《四書章句集注·論語集注·子路第十三》) (《四書章句集注·論語集注·憲問第十四》) (《四書章句集注·論語集注·憲問第十四》) (《四書章句集注·論語集注·微子第十八》) (《四書章句集注·論語集注·子張第十九》) (《四書章句集注·論語集注·子張第十九》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·梁惠王章句上》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·梁惠王章句上》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·梁惠王章句下》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·公孫丑章句上》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·公孫丑章句上》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·公孫丑章句上》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·公孫丑章句上》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·公孫丑章句上》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·公孫丑章句下》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·離婁章句上》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·離婁章句下》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·萬章章句上》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·萬章章句上》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·萬章章句上》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·萬章章句下》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·萬章章句下》) (《四書章句集注·孟子集注·告子章句下》)
Unihan definition:dynasty; morning

CTP Dictionary

zhāo ㄓㄠ (1): 早晨。 Morning.
Mozi said: Anciently, Duke Dan of Zhou read one hundred pages every morning and received seventy scholars every evening.
The Master said, "If a man in the morning hear the right way, he may die in the evening without regret."
When we toil our spirits and intelligence, obstinately determined (to establish our own view), and do not know the agreement (which underlies it and the views of others), we have what is called 'In the morning three.'
There was a man of Lu, who, after performing in the morning the ceremony which introduced the 25th month of his mourning, began to sing in the evening. Zi-lu laughed at him.
zhāo ㄓㄠ (2): 初。 Beginning.
cháo ㄔㄠˊ (3.1): 朝見。 Meet in court.
Confucius bathed, went to court and informed the duke Ai, saying, "Chen Heng has slain his sovereign. I beg that you will undertake to punish him."
When the son of Heaven received the feudal princes, and there was no special affair on hand, it was (simply) called an audience. They examined their ceremonies, rectified their punishments, and made uniform what they considered virtuous; thus giving honour to the son of Heaven.
cháo ㄔㄠˊ (3.2): 君主使群臣朝見。 Call the ministers to court.
cháo ㄔㄠˊ (4): 朝見的地方,朝廷。 Court, place where ministers meet with the ruler.
When he was at court, on his return he said, "Has any man been hurt?"
Now if your Majesty will institute a government whose action shall be benevolent, this will cause all the officers in the kingdom to wish to stand in your Majesty's court, and all the farmers to wish to plough in your Majesty's fields, and all the merchants, both travelling and stationary, to wish to store their goods in your Majesty's market-places, and all travelling strangers to wish to make their tours on your Majesty's roads, and all throughout the kingdom who feel aggrieved by their rulers to wish to come and complain to your Majesty.
If (a minister) send a message to his ruler, he must wear his court-robes when he communicates it to the bearer.
cháo ㄔㄠˊ (5): 拜訪,拜見。 Visit, go to see.
cháo ㄔㄠˊ (6): 聚會。 Meet together, gather.
(This having been done), the aged men were all assembled in the school, and on a good day archery was practised and places were given according to merit. (At the same time) there was a feast, when places were given according to age. The Grand minister of Instruction conducted thither the eminent scholars of the state and along with them superintended the business.

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