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-> 劉章

劉章[View] [Edit] [History]

See also: 劉章 (ctext:741985) 劉章 (ctext:3470449) 劉章 (ctext:7124359)

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Liu Zhang (劉章) (died 177 BC), formally Prince Jing of Chengyang (城陽景王), sometimes known in later historical accounts and literature by his earlier title, Marquess of Zhuxu (朱虛侯), was an important political figure in the anti-Lü clan conspiracy during the Lü Clan Disturbance in 180 BC.

He is a son of Liu Fei (劉肥), grandson of the Han Dynasty founder Liu Bang.

He was created the Marquess of Zhuxu in 186 BC by Grand Empress Dowager Lü, who also gave him the hand of her nephew Lü Lu's daughter in marriage. Along with it, she also summoned him to the capital Chang'an to serve as an imperial guard commander.

After the destruction of the Lü Clan in 180 BC, Liu Zhang was initially promised the Principality of Zhao for his role in the conspiracy by the new emperor, Emperor Wen (Liu Heng). When, however, the new emperor became aware that Liu Zhang had initially wanted to make his brother Liu Xiang, the Prince of Qi as emperor instead of him, he became very displeased. The new emperor therefore denied Liu Zhang the larger Principality of Zhao and only created him the Prince of Chengyang (a smaller principality carved out of his brother's principality) in 178 BC. Even so, He was well loved in his principality for what was seen as a heroic role in overthrowing the Lü clan, and the people of his principality worshipped him as a god after his death.

Liu Zhang would be succeeded by his son Liu Xi(劉喜); Liu Penzi, a descendant of Liu Zhang, would later be crowned emperor by the Red Eyebrows, a militant group against Wang Mang.

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劉章(前200年 - 前176年),漢高祖之孫,齊悼惠王劉肥之子,呂后時期受封朱虛侯,並被迫娶呂氏一族呂祿的女兒,但在呂后歿後,劉章加入了消滅諸呂的行列,因此功受漢文帝封王,諡城陽景王。劉章死後,成為齊國人士廣泛信仰之鄉土神(直至曹操除淫祀,其信仰才稍稍斷絕)。新莽滅亡後,赤眉軍尋得劉章後裔劉盆子,立之為王。

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