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-> 文聖王

文聖王[View] [Edit] [History]

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    from-date 文聖王元年七月壬寅
    to-date 文聖王十九年九月甲子
Munseong of Silla (died 857) (reigned 839–857) was the 46th ruler of the Korean kingdom of Silla. He was the eldest son of King Sinmu and Lady Jeonggye.

Munseong's reign was typical of late Unified Silla, with rampant strife and uprisings. Examples include the 841 rebellion of Hong Pil, the 846 rebellion of Jang Bogo (after he failed to marry his daughter into the royal line), as well as the treason of Kim Sik in 849.

The earlier part of his reign was marked by relatively active trade and commerce with both Japan and Tang China. This was due to Jang Bogo's role in securing the major shipping routes.

Upon his death in 857, King Munseong was buried in the Gongjakji tomb precinct in Gyeongju. He was succeeded by his uncle Heonan.

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文聖王(? - 858年);姓慶膺,是新羅國第四十六代君主,神武王之子,母真從夫人金氏。在位十九年,諡文聖。因太子金安早逝,叔父憲安王受顧命而立。

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