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-> 燕昭王

燕昭王[View] [Edit] [History]

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    from-date 燕昭王元年
    to-date 燕昭王三十三年
King Zhao of Yan (, died 279 BC), ancestral name Jī (姬), clan name Yān (燕), personal name Zhí (職), was the fourth king of the state of Yan in Warring States period of Chinese history. He ruled the kingdom between 311 BC until his death in 279 BC.

Zhí was a son of Kuai, King of Yan. In early years, he was chosen to serve as a political hostage in the Kingdom of Han.

In 314 BC, Yan was attacked and practically conquered by Qi, both Kuai and the usurper Zizhi (子之) were killed. However, Qi was unable to put down the rebellion in Yan area and had to withdraw. Finally, the Yan Kingdom was restored. Zhí was installed as the new king by King Wuling of Zhao, and sent back to Yan.

King Zhao was judicious and measured in his actions toward his subordinates. He hired talents with high salary, these talents include: Yue Yi from Wei, Zou Yan (鄒衍) from Qi, and Ju Xin (劇辛) from Zhao. Yan became a powerful kingdom and was able to take revenge on Qi. In 284, he plotted with the states of Zhao, Qin, Han and Wei for a joint expedition against Qi. Led by the brilliant general Yue Yi, seventy walled cities were taken by the joint expedition, with the exception of Jimo (即墨) and Ju (莒). King Zhao died in 279 BC, succeeded by his son King Hui of Yan.

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燕昭王? - 前279年,姓,名,中國戰國時期的燕國君主。燕王噲之子。燕王噲死後,燕人共立為燕王,在位期間燕將秦開大破東胡及朝鮮、上將軍樂毅聯合五國攻齊,佔領齊國七十多城(齊國疆土只剩莒、即墨二城),造就了燕國盛世。

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