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-> 納哈出

納哈出[View] [Edit] [History]

See also: 納哈出 (ctext:384557)

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Naghachu ( Naγaču|script=Latn; 納哈出; d. 1388), also written as Nahacu, was an ethnic Mongol leader and general of the Northern Yuan dynasty in Manchuria, which was under Liaoyang province of the former Yuan dynasty. Originally a Yuan official, he had won hegemony over the Mongol tribes in a wide area including much of Rehe (Jehol) and Liaoning by the mid-1380s. Now he grew strong in the northeast, with forces large enough (numbering hundreds of thousands) to threaten invasion of the newly founded Ming dynasty in order to restore the Mongols to power in China proper. Instead of waiting for the Northern Yuan to attack, in 1387 the Ming sent a military campaign to attack Naghachu and forced his surrender after a successful diplomacy of the Ming. Naghachu and thousands of his officers and relatives were sent to Nanjing, the capital of the Ming dynasty at that time. The Ming granted Naghachu himself a marquisate with a stipend of 2,000 piculs of grain, and estate of public fields in Jiangxi, and a mansion in Nanjing. He died near Wuchang on 31 August 1388, probably from overindulgence in alcohol, and was buried outside Nanjing.

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納哈出(;約1320年 - 1388年),末明初名臣,官至太尉,屬蒙古札剌亦兒氏。為成吉思汗四傑之一木華黎裔孫。初為太平路萬戶,元至正十五年(1355年),朱元璋攻克太平時被俘,因其為名臣後人之故,好言勸降,不歸順,念其心繫元廷,遂給予銀兩放歸。元順帝封其為丞相,後又封太尉。


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