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-> 憲德王

憲德王[View] [Edit] [History]

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    from-date 憲德王元年八月甲戌
    to-date 憲德王十八年十月癸亥
Heondeok of Silla (died 826) (r. 809–826) was the 41st to rule the Korean kingdom of Silla. He was the younger brother of King Soseong, and served as regent during the reign of Aejang.

In 790, Heondeok traveled to Tang China where he distinguished himself and received a high position. He returned to Silla, becoming regent after the death of his brother. In 809, he slew the now-adult Aejang and took the throne for himself.

In 810, Heondeok repaired the country's irrigation facilities. He also sent his son Kim Heon-jang to Tang with gold and silver Buddhist images to pray for the emperor's eternal peace.

Heondeok's later reign saw the rebellion of Kim Heon-chang in 822, and that of Kim's son in the following year. Both were suppressed. In 824, troubled by threats from the north, the king ordered a 300-ri-long wall built near the Taedong River, which was then the country's northern border.

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憲德王(? - 826年);姓彥昇,是新羅第四十一代君主,昭聖王母弟。哀莊王十三歲即位時,叔父憲德王攝政,哀莊王十年,憲德王與其弟金悌邕入內作亂,哀莊王被弒,憲德王自立為王。十四年以母弟金秀昇為太子。在位十八年,諡憲德,葬於泉林寺北(今東泉府東五里)。

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