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-> 司馬穰苴

司馬穰苴[View] [Edit] [History]

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Sima Rangju (Chinese:司馬穰苴) or Tian Rangju (Chinese: 田穰苴) (dates of birth and death unknown) was a famous Chinese military general during the Spring and Autumn period, often seen as the spiritual successor of Jiang Ziya. He served in the State of Qi, defending it from the states of Jin and Yan, and went as high in the army as Da Sima, the Minister of War. As a result, he is also sometimes called Sima Rangju . He was later dismissed by Duke Jing of Qi, who apparently listened to hypocrites, falsely accusing Rangju. He was depressed and fell ill, resulting in his death. Little is known about his life due to the lack of historical records, but his thoughts and ideas passed on. His works were later composed into a book called The Methods of the Sima. He was highly praised by Sima Qian, a famous Chinese historian.

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司馬穰苴(? - ?),姓,氏,名穰苴,春秋時代後期齊國的將軍、大夫、軍事家、軍事理論家,田完的後裔。田穰苴活躍於前6世紀末至前5世紀初,輔佐齊景公,因官拜大司馬,因此又被稱為司馬穰苴

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