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-> 垂仁天皇

垂仁天皇[View] [Edit] [History]

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, also known as was the 11th legendary Emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession. There is less known about Suinin than his father, and likewise is also considered to be a "legendary emperor". Both the Kojiki, and the Nihon Shoki (collectively known as the Kiki) record events that took place during Suinin's alleged lifetime. This legendary narrative tells how he ordered his daughter Yamatohime-no-mikoto to establish a new permanent shrine for Amaterasu (the Sun Goddess), which eventually became known as the Ise Grand Shrine. Other events that were recorded concurrently with his reign include the origins of Sumo wrestling in the form of a wrestling match involving Nomi no Sukune.

Suinin's reign is conventionally considered to have been from 29 BC to AD 70. During his alleged lifetime, he fathered seventeen children with two chief wives (empress) and six consorts. One of his sons became the next emperor upon his death in 70 AD, but the location of his father's grave (if any) is unknown. Suinin is traditionally venerated at a memorial Shinto tomb (misasagi) at Nishi-machi, Amagatsuji, Nara City.

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垂仁天皇(;崇神天皇29年1月1日(前69年1月26日)- 垂仁天皇99年7月14日(70年8月8日))是日本自神武天皇後的第11代天皇(在位:垂仁天皇元年(前29年)1月2日 - 垂仁天皇99年(70年))。垂仁天皇崩於纏向宮,時年140歲。雖然《日本書紀》和《古事記》中記載了他的事跡,但其真實性尚有疑問。

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